Dues and Donations

Dues for the upcoming year 2023 has been set at $155.00 please send a check made out to:
“Manchester Lodge #12”
Send to 
Manchester Lodge No.12
585 Washington Street
Coventry, RI  02816
  Attn: Secretary

Or for your convenience you can use the link below.  A $6.07  service fee will be automatically added to the total.
Please make sure you have a current before you make your payment.  You can do this by signing on to Grand View and viewing your Member Profile HERE.  Please contact the Secretary or the Master if you are in arrears.

Manchester Lodge #12 2023 Dues payment for $161.07 

If you would like to make a Donation to the upcoming
“Christmas Eve Eve Open House” that will be held on
Friday, December 23 this year at the FCC please use the link below.

Thank you for your donation!

All that is essential for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke